Tuesday, 24 May 2016

The Same, But Different. An Old Dog Learning New Tricks.

Sometimes to lead, you need to know how to follow.

I've had the privilege of working in seven schools. All of those schools have delivered quality, child centered learning programmes where students have made significant progress. All teachers and teacher aides have worked hard for the kids in front of them, made sacrifices, spent their own money and worked over and above what is expected.

One thing that strikes me is that despite teaching the same curriculum, every school has delivered it in a different way, using different tools, programmes and strategies. As teachers, we get on the treadmill and go full speed for the rest of the year. Our comfort is that we are ingrained in the systems and programmes utilised at our school. Over time, this becomes a professional habit. "I know what I know. I know it works, so lets go."

The trick comes when you start at a new school, or someone new brings new ideas to yours. The default system is to revert to what you know and knowingly, or subconsciously resist change because 'I've got a lot of other things to do.'

This is something I've experienced recently. I had been appointed as team leader and charged with implementing change in digital teaching approaches, Having come from a school which is highly structured and where the teaching programmes in each class are very similar due to PD and school expectations, I was enthusiastic and passionate about how I could contribute to an already successful learning environment.

I drove through what I had been asked to do. I only knew what I knew so went with that. The team I work with were equally as enthusiastic and willing to learn and try something new. I encouraged them to experiment, and ask questions if they needed help. Some did. Others modified the tools to suit their learning programmes or approach to teaching.
The key point I kept raising was to ask questions if you're not sure. There was one problem with that approach.

I wasn't doing the same thing.

Having jumped on the treadmill and cranked it up to full speed to try to be a 'good leader', I hadn't taken the time to ask about how the programmes utilised at the new school should be implemented effectively. A couple of things I'd never seen before so I taught them in my classroom they way I assumed they should be done. I hadn't asked and I hadn't taken the time to stop and reflect on whether I was delivering them in the best way.

In hindsight, I overloaded myself with my perceived expectations of what changes I thought I should be making, how I should be 'growing my team members' and ticking boxes. What I should have done after implementing change #1 was stop and really soak in how things run in the school. 
The positive aspect of reflecting on that, is that I can simply make the change now. I'm not above starting from scratch and having to ask basic questions to understand something I haven't done before. After 22 years in the classroom, I've learned a lot about teaching. I've learned even more about learning. Everybody starts at the beginning.

I'm lucky. I'm surrounded by  high quality, creative teaching professionals who I can learn as much from as they can learn from me. So, I'll be observing and asking the emergent level questions.

If I'm not prepared to be bad at something new, I'll never be good at it.

Bring it on.

Monday, 23 May 2016

If the Education System Was Like Sport ...

When someone asks, "What would you do if I gave you one million dollars?" We usually think about leaving the daily grind of our careers, with the ever-increasing workload, the pervasive observation, scrutiny and accountability, the complaints from parents, the long hours and competition with colleagues for senior positions with senior position money attached which is what we're after. (Especially in Auckland)

What if it was different? 

What if:

-  observation, scrutiny and accountability came via television camera's recording our every move?

-  criticism and rewards were based on how we performed and the results we gained, or didn't.

-  a school could headhunt you for a specific purpose and offer you whatever they thought was fair?

-  your school could trade you away as part of a package deal to get someone they thought was better?

- your ability and performance enabled you to earn endorsement deals?

- the public and media actually had as much respect for teachers as they do for professional athletes?

Blondie sang it best. "I'll keep the money. You can have the fame."

Dreams are free.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Digital Re-Immersion. Going Back to the Future

'If You're Not Prepared To Be Bad At Something, You'll Never Be Good At It.'

While leading my team through the next level of our journey as digital immersion teachers, I'm constantly reminded of my own path to where I am today. Particularly the small attitude shift that kicked open the door for me.

I remember teaching a digital immersion classroom for the first time. My head was trying to make sense of, then, make the transition from 'traditional teaching' to using digital devices where students are self managing learners. For a while my pedagogy followed suit. I was confused, struggling, I hated it, felt this forced change was making me look bad as a teacher.

The most important step I took was to take my ego and emotional aspects out of it, forget that I was struggling with the transition as a whole and just focus on mastering the task I was completing. One at a time. Once I did that, I found that understanding and change came quickly. I had enough of a basic understanding to attempt to create Digital Learning Objects. It took A LOT OF TIME, but creating became fun instead of struggle. I became open to learning from the students, and added that knowledge to my toolkit. It didn't matter where I got the information from. As long as I got it from somewhere, I could reflect on it's effectiveness and play around to make changes if necessary.

I'm still no digital genius. I know what I know. But I'm also learning that the more I know, the more I don't know. I've been in this role, in this school, and have learned as much about new apps and teaching tools from my colleagues as I did in the previous two years. I'm not afraid to fail and learn.

My approach has progressed from 'I don't understand/know so I don't want to do it' to 'I don't know, so show me.'

I'm five years into my digital teaching journey, and I'm just getting started.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Learning When to Say, "When".

Having worked in education for a number of years, I've been privileged to work in a number of environments. Some, highly structured. Some, at the creative and autonomous end of the scale. Others were a combination of the two. I was able to survive in all of the environments. I can honestly say I've learned something beneficial about teaching at every school I've taught at.

Our profession is people based. In recent years, the Ministry appears to be employing both the carrot AND the stick approach to 'encourage schools to become accountable' for the decisions they make.

The stick is the incessant use of the term accountability which accompanies initiatives, while the carrot is the 5 year ERO review which tells everyone what an amazing job your school is doing.

This used to be the role of the 3 Year review cycle. But, 5 does sound much better.

Inadvertently, Boards and Principals are forced to make decisions which impact their own workloads, and those of their staff. In the effort to meet accountability expectations, educators are invariably burning the candle at both ends. Increasing fatigue, stress and illness, which impacts energy, enthusiasm and empathy when in front of the students.

A concern is the increasing 'badge of honour' type mentality of teachers working themselves into the ground having to assess, analyse, plan, teach, motivate, inspire, counsel and nurture students, meet school and Ministry targets, complete paperwork around assessing, analysing, planning, teaching... ahhh... I think you know the rest.

Some schools are beginning to take stock and aim for a balance of healthy, enthusiastic staff and effective teaching and learning programmes. It's an ongoing balancing act. One that is achievable if we, as a profession adopt the following approach.